Welcome! This site is a space promoting rigorous philosophical analysis of any aspect of Judaism. We look forward to your participation. THIS WEBSITE HAS MOVED! IT CAN NOW BE FOUND AT http://www.theapj.com/blog


For one week of every month discussion on this blog will be devoted, but not limited, to a single paper. Where possible, we will seek the participation of the author of the paper under discussion. If you have difficulty accessing any of the papers, please e-mail us at asdphilosophy@gmail.com and we will be happy to forward you a copy.

We are pleased to announce the following online symposia.in 2012:

"On Negative theology"  (Date to be announced shortly) 
Hilary Putnam
(Permission granted to post article by Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers)

22-29 January
"Philosophy in Halakhah: The Case of Intentional Action"
Jed Lewinsohn
The Torah u-Madda Journal (14/2006-07)
Yonatan Brafman (Columbia) has kindly agreed to introduce the symposium, and Jed Lewinsohn (NYU) has kindly agreed to participate.

21-28 February

"The Substance of Jewish Business Ethics" (Journal of Business Ethics 17: 603–617, 1998)
Moses Pava
Professor Pava has kindly agreed to participate in the symposium.

21-28 March
Discussion on a topic relating to the philosophy of law and halakha (to be announced shortly) will be led by:
Sari Kisilevsky (CUNY, Queens)
Ken Ehrenberg (SUNY, Buffalo)
Laliv Chenman (Leo Beack College)

22-29 April
Discussion on Aaron Licthenstein's paper "Does Jewish Tradition Recognizes an Ethic Independent of Halakha" (in Modern Jewish Ethics, ed. M. Fox) led by Professor Alan Mittleman (JTS).

21-28 May
Discussion on Robert Audi's latest paper "Faith, Faithfulness, and Virtue" (Faith and Philosophy, Vol. 28 No. 3 July 2011) to be lead by:
Sandy Goldberg (Northwestern)
Trent Dougherty (Baylor)

21-28 June    
The Relevance of Analytic Philosophy to Judaism
The symposium will center around points raised in the following paper: Howard Wettstein (1997). Doctrine. Faith and Philosophy 14 (4):423-443.



14-21 August 
"Identity in the Talmud"
Eli Hirsch (Brandeis)
Midwest Studies in Philosophy, XXIII (1999)

14-21 September: 

"Hierarchical Theories of Freedom and the Hardening of Hearts"
David Shatz  
Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 1997, 21
Professor Shatz has kindly agreed to participate in the symposium.
[Unfortunately, the publisher did not grant us permission to post this article.  If you would like a copy of the article and you do not have access to it, please email us at asdphilosophy@gmail.com, and we will gladly send you a copy.]

14-21 October:
"Saadia Gaon on the Problem of Evil"
Eleonore Stump
Faith and Philosophy 1997, 14:4
Professor Stump has kindly agreed to participate in the symposium.
(Permission granted to post article by Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers)

01-08 December: 

"The Realm of the Sacred, wherein We may not Draw an Inference from Something which Itself has been Inferred: a reading of Talmud Bavli Zevachim folio 50"
Curtis Franks
Professor Franks has kindly agreed to participate in the symposium.